Work Shop "Operation Asteroid"
Jun. 22th 2024 The day after the summer solstice, kids created everyone's universe with their own colors and shapes. genius!! ワークショップ...
New Video "ORBIT 3_Black Eyed Sun"
The exhibition “Orbit3_Black Eyed Sun “ in Rojimachi Art Ramble Oct.28~Nov.5 2023 in Ashikaga Japan Many people immersed themselves in...

Rojimachi Art Ramble 2023
ORBIT3_Black Eyed Sun Forthcoming exhibition Rojimachi Art Ramble 2023 Oct.28-Nov.5 10:00-16:00 New piece “Orbit3_Black Eyed Sun” will...
ORBIT3_Black Eyed Sun presentation
This video was created to present "ORBIT 3_Black Eyed Sun" in 1/2 scale (2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5m) of the planned size. The art work will be 3m...
New Video
The exhibition “DAWN CHORUS “ in Rojimachi Art Ramble Oct.30~Nov.7 2021 in Ashikaga Japan The sound of hundreds of metal rods hitting...

DAWN CHORUS in Rojimachi Art Ramble
The exhibition “DAWN CHORUS “ in Rojimachi Art Ramble ended successfully. The sound of hundreds of metal rods hitting each other was so...

"Rojimachi Art Ramble " 路地まちアートランブル
The art fes “Rojimachi Art Ramble” Oct.30~Nov.7 The latest version of Dawn Chorus is coming soon!...

東京都の芸術文化活動支援事業「アートにエールを!東京プロジェクト」 に参加しております。 こちらのリンクから動画をご覧ください。

DAWN CHORUS work in progress
"DAWN CHORUS" is on the way!

New Video
キムケンこと木村謙一さんとの3年前のプライベート展示の映像です。 今また二人で何かやろうと来年に向けて新プロジェクトを企画しています。 タイトルは ”Hu Ru E” 乞うご期待!! From private exhibition of Kimken and I...

New project for 2021

第59回日本クラフト展 Japan Crafts Exhibition
”DAWN CHORUS" Special Jury Award 第59回日本クラフト展 JAPAN CRAFTS EXHIBITION 日時: Jun.6th ~Jun.14th am11:00~19:00 (~17:00 the last day 14th)...

NEW VIDEO "Cosmic Birds in Ashikaga"
Cosmic Birds in Ashikaga 1-9 June 2019 was successfully finished. Thank you all for coming! CON展en Ashikaga 無事終了しました。地元の方々をはじめ遠方からもたくさん...

COSMIC BIRDS in Ashikaga
photo by Uerino This room, which was used for spinning in the old days, has been slightly browned by fine dust that has been slowly...